Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This Moment

"If I can endure for this moment . . ." This moment. The moment. My moment. Here and now. The present. This second. This instant.

That is all I have. I often spend so much time trying to dissect, review, contemplate, control the next moments in my life - I often don't deal with this moment. Right now, I can only deal with this moment. If I take on more - I may just drown. In my moment, right now . . . I need air. I need to focus on my breathing. On life. On existing.

What do you need right now - at this moment? Not tomorrow, not tonight, not a month from now. Not even the next 2 minutes. But right now. Do you just need hope? A comforting word. To just sit and "be." To cry. Be angry. What is it that you need?

Let's just try getting through each moment in our lives. Literally - the moment. Instead of taking up everything and thinking too far ahead. Let's just get through the moment.

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