Monday, July 6, 2009

Time Heals

I heard a quote recently that I'm clinging to and praying is true: Time heals most wounds. . . give time - time. That brings me relief realizing that no pain is forever. It will pass. After all, when I counsel others - this is one of the very basic principles I use. "This too shall pass."
But as I tap my foot, my fingers, lean on my chin and watch the clock - I know there has to be more to it than this. I know that I can't sit here and watch the time pass. I'm sure that I'm supposed to be doing SOMETHING!! But what? I'm so anxious to let go of this pain, this yucky feeling that has consumed me. Yet often I barely have enough energy to do the basic things each day. Yet - time is moving. Am I being healed?

I'm reminded of another basic principle in my life - my spiritual life. That no matter what we do - God is faithful. Even as I type those words - tears suddenly swell up in my eyes. I think of the many ways that I am unfaithful, that I disappoint, that I go off track, that I look and listen to Jesus, the ultimate love of my life, and decide to go a different way. Yet even in my unfaithfulness, my God is working.

I remember when I was leading up to accepting Christ as my Savior. I devoured the Bible, God's Word - every free moment. Most of what I was reading I didn't quite understand - but I didn't care. I had to have it!! I kept reading and consuming it like it was air. One day, after I accepted Christ - I came across a situation where I had to open my mouth and deliver God's Word. I remember thinking that I was not prepared, not equipped, that I knew nothing. But to my surprise, months of consuming God's Word poured out of me like rivers of living water!

Yes, God is faithful. Even when we think there is nothing going on - He is at work. So as I tap my foot, my hands, and lean on my chin - watching time pass . . . when I don't even have the energy or quite frankly the desire to do anything else - I know that God is faithful and He is moving and working in me. When I have gained enough energy, when my wounds have healed a little, I will begin to get back up and do, live, move, absorb. But right now, I will hide myself in Him, and let time pass.

1 comment:

  1. So beautifully transparent! Thanks so much for sharing...and using your life's experiences to empower a young sista like myself. As I often say, "it's your transparency in your testimony that inspires me." This post was beautiful and I appreciate the woman and person that you are. Looking forward to how this time in your life will pass and your wounds will be healed.
